Elliot Quest: The Missing Manual
Table of Contents

First off, a few warnings.
This “manual” is meant to provide the information that maybe should have been included with the game. It will try to avoid spoilers as much as possible. Furthermore, it may be incomplete or inaccurate, please contact me if you would like me to add or correct some information. You can send me mail here: tim at analogbit.com.
The other warning is about choices in the game itself. Some actions have permanent effects in this game. Specially, they affect your alignment and consequently the ending you receive.
Playing the Game
Controller Support
Steam lists at partial controller suport, but game features full controller support (without remapping features). The game is mapped to use the DPAD for motion controls. The Xbox 360 controller works well. For a list of the key/button mappings, see the only page of the official manual
Backing up your Save
To backup your save, simplly copy the contents of the Elliot Quest folder, located here: C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Elliot Quest
Levelling Up
The maximum level is 20. You start at level one, meaning you will max out with 19 points to assign, spend them wisely.
As mentioned in the warning, doing certain things will modify your character’s alignment. Here is an incomplete list:
- Return bombs to boy in town
- Graveyard rescue
- Kill Tema Boss
- Opening town's people's treasure chests
- Team up with Rogue
- Destroy Goddess
Before making a decision at this point, you probably want to read this.
Stat Incrementors
Heart | Gives Elliot more health. |
Half Heart | Collect two of these to give elliot a full heart of health. |
Green Pot | Gives Elliot more mana. |
Experience Scroll | Gives Elliot a large amount of experience. |
Red Potion | Restore health |
Green Potion | Restore mana |
Yellow Potion | Restore health and mana |
Feather | Exit current dungeon |
Keys & Misc
Blue Chest Key | Allows you to open the Blue Chests throughout the game. |
Door Keys | These are scattered around the island and let you enter various locked areas. |
Dungeon Door Key | These open sections of dungeons and allow you to progress. |
Large Dungeon Door Key | Key to unlock a Guardian door. |
Crystal | These do not look like keys, but they do unlock magical doors. |
Map | Fills out your map so you can track what areas you need to visit. |
Wind Magic | Defensive mobility magic. |
Fire Magic | Burn things! |
Earth Magic | Impact forces at work. |
Ice Magic | Freeze things! |
Fairy In a Bottle | Let the fairy out to see further and manipulate some things. |
Power Ups
Amulet | Allows Elliot to push some stone blocks. |
Blue Book | Provides slow mana regeneration. |
Bomb Bags | Allows Elliot to carry four bombs per bag. Collect all four bags! |
Candle | Light lanterns in the dark. |
Dash Boots | Faster movement at critical times. |
Mirror | Swap some blocks from the background to the foreground and back. |
Shovel | Lets elliot dig in the sand. What will he find? |
Winged Boots | Lets Elliot bounce off green blobby guys. |
Wings | Double jump for greater height and distance! |
Combat Equipment
Shield | Blocks enemy projectiles. |
Golden Shield | Block more enemy projectiles. |
Iron Arrow | Second tier attack damage. |
White Arrow | Third tier attack damage. |
Helmet | Added defense against enemies. |
Golden Helmet | More defense against enemies. |
Quest Items
Yellow Mushroom | ??? |
Shell Shards | ??? |
Non-functional collectables
These have no apparent effect on the game other than to show up as being collected.
Lettuce shaped stone | A lettuce shaped stone called lettuce shaped stone. |
Monster Bag | Monster Bag by ID1 Clothing |
Top Hat | The Top Hat has something written inside it–It reads “From Zombey to TheOnlyBit” |
Origin of this World | The elders say it’s the origin of this world. |
Mystical Surfboard | This is Corey’s Mystical Surfboard. May it improve your life as it did his! |